Archive for November, 2017

The Electronic Day Trader: Successful Strategies for On-line Trading Reviews

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The Electronic Day Trader: Successful Strategies for On-line Trading

The Electronic Day Trader: Successful Strategies for On-line Trading

In 1998, McGraw-Hill’s The Electronic Day Trader became a worldwide phenomenon―and spent months on the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, and New York Times bestseller lists. Now, this new paperback edition revisits the hardcover edition’s electronic day trading techniques and mechanics, and adds a new introduction discussing today’s evolving electronic day trading environment. The Electronic Day Trader continues to give the reader a firsthand, no-holds-barred introduction to the world

List Price: $ 24.00


Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader(Chinese Edition)

Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader(Chinese Edition)

Paperback. Pub Date :2014-02-01 Pages: 284 Language: Chinese Publisher: Shanxi People’s Publishing House. short-term trading guru: Tools and Strategies to help those who want an active independent trader to acquire knowledge and master the necessary tools with the wisdom of the trading scheme developed in the market. In other words. it will help you know what to do. but not only that. because the light know what to do and can not guarantee that you will do so. Because 85% of the trading activity

List Price: $ 24.80


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How to Trade Stocks: For Beginners

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How to Trade Stocks: For Beginners

How to Trade Stocks: For Beginners

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Penny Stocks: Jumpstart Your Road To Riches! Maximizing Your Profits With Penny Stock Trading Reviews

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Penny Stocks: Jumpstart Your Road To Riches! Maximizing Your Profits With Penny Stock Trading

Penny Stocks: Jumpstart Your Road To Riches! Maximizing Your Profits With Penny Stock Trading

Do You Want To Know How Make Big Profits Through Penny Stocks? Do you want to learn how to buy and trade penny stocks? Do you want to become an experienced investor? Do You want simple strategies to making money with penny stocks? When you read Penny Stocks: Jumpstart Your Road to Riches!- Maximize Your Profits With Penny Stock Trading, your investing skillset will improve steadily each day! You will discover everything you need to know about penny stocks. These strategies and easy tips will hel

List Price: $ 13.38


Trading 101: What is a Day Trader?

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Trading 101: What is a Day Trader?

If you’re new to the market and doing your beginning research, one term I’m sure you’ve come across is “day trader”. Or in another form, “day trading”. What exactly does that mean? What is a day trader doing that differs from other people who are in the stock market? How does a day trader make money? I touch on all those questions, and more.

What is “Shorting” / “Going Short”?-

Free Guide – The 5 Tools I Use To Find Stocks To Trade:

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Hear real life trading journeys from “normal” people: The Stock Trading Reality Podcast –
Video Rating: / 5

E*TRADE Mobile Trading & Investing

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E*TRADE Mobile Trading & Investing

E*TRADE Mobile Trading & Investing

  • Place trades for stocks, options, ETFs, and mutual funds
  • See all your E*TRADE accounts in a single view
  • Get FREE streaming real-time quotes and charts
  • Stay informed with RSS news feed from leading sources
  • Deposit checks instantly using your phone’s camera(2)
  • Move money to and from any financial institution(3)
  • Watch CNBC Live Video and Video on Demand

List Price: $ 0.00


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Koko Petkov | Daytrader

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Hi, wenn du mein Kanal abonnierst bekommst du die richtige Einstellung zum Geld und erfährst wie du dir selber ein Vermögen als Daytrader von überall aus der Welt, total frei aufbauen kannst.

Heute lebe ich und arbeite ich als Daytrader in Dubai, ich genieße meine Freiheit, die Sonne und habe endlich meine Ziele als Daytrader erreicht und arbeite an höhere Ziele.

Vor 5 Jahren war ich obdachlos und hatte 170000 Euro Schulden.

Um diesen Weg hier zu gehen gab es bestimmte Entscheidungen die ich getroffen habe und diese Entscheidungen gebe ich dir auf meinen Daytrader Channel weiter.

Auf meinen Youtube Channel bekommst du kostenlose Einblicke in mein Leben wie z.b. die Folge: LifeOfATrader, jeden Montag nehme ich dich mit zu den exklusivsten Orten Dubais.

Dienstags zeige ich dir meistens einen Live Trade von mir wo ich dir meine Regeln erkläre, meine Strategie erkläre und wo du ganz genau sehen kannst wie ich tatsächlich mein Geld verdiene.

Am Freitag antworte ich auf deine Fragen in der Folge: #FragDenKoko und in dem Channel wirst du vor allem die Frage beantwortet bekommen, wie ich es geschafft habe von -170000 Euro auf ein Multi Millionen Level zu kommen.

Ich werde dir die passenden Daytrader Strategien dazu geben, ich werde dir mein Mindset geben, ich werde dir das geben was du brauchst um dasselbe zu erreichen.

Denn auf eine Sache habe ich mich voll fokussiert und konzentriert und mir als Ziel gesetzt.

Dich als Daytrader mindestens genauso erfolgreich zu machen wie ich es bin.

Abonniere also jetzt unbedingt meinen Daytrader Channel und bleibe immer auf dem laufenden.

Klicke jetzt auf den jetzt abonnieren Button.

Bis dann.


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Viele Grüße und viel Erfolg
Koko Petkov
Video Rating: / 5

Filtering Out a List of Stocks, Futures, and Forex Seasonal Trades

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Filtering Out a List of Stocks, Futures, and Forex Seasonal Trades

Filtering Out a List of Stocks, Futures, and Forex Seasonal Trades


Trend Trading For Dummies (For Dummies Series)

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Trend Trading For Dummies (For Dummies Series)

Trend Trading For Dummies (For Dummies Series)

  • For Dummies

Trend trading lets the market do the work for you Is your portfolio doing all it should? Are you looking for a market-focused way to increase returns? Try your hand at trend trading. Instead of analyzing the performance of a company, analyze the performance of the market as a whole. When you spot a trend, jump on it and let it ride until it’s time to move. Whether your strategy is short-term, intermediate-term, or long-term, trend trading can help you capitalize on the action of market and get t

List Price: $ 26.99


Day Trading For Dummies

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Day Trading For Dummies

Day Trading For Dummies

  • For Dummies

In an ever-changing market, get the advantage of trading for yourself Day trading is undoubtedly the most exciting way to make your own money. Before you begin, you need three things: patience, nerves of steel, and a well-thumbed copy of Day Trading For Dummies. This plain-English guide shows you how day trading works, identifies its all-too-numerous pitfalls, and gets you started with an action plan. From classic and renegade strategies to the nitty-gritty of daily trading practices, it gives y

List Price: $ 24.99


Failed Traders: The 20 Common Mistakes Committed By Over 1000 Losing Traders

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Failed Traders: The 20 Common Mistakes Committed By Over 1000 Losing Traders

Failed Traders: The 20 Common Mistakes Committed By Over 1000 Losing Traders

“Failed Traders: The 20 Common Mistakes Committed By Over 1000 Losing Traders” is a must read for every trader that is either struggling or has failed attempting to make money trading. Based on Goldman’s personal observations of over 1000 failed traders, this e-book gives stories, examples, and personal conversations with the actual traders. By NOT performing these 20 mistakes, traders that read this book will only be left with the correct actions that will increase their probability of a prof
