Archive for the tag: Trade

Stikky Stock Charts: Learn the 8 major chart patterns used by professionals and how to interpret them to trade smart–in

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Stikky Stock Charts: Learn the 8 major chart patterns used by professionals and how to interpret them to trade smart–in

Stikky Stock Charts: Learn the 8 major chart patterns used by professionals and how to interpret them to trade smart--in

  • Used Book in Good Condition

Read this book if you want to…. make intelligent investment decisions . minimize losses and maximize gains . time when to get in and out of investments . surprise your friends with your insight into the markets . take your first steps to understanding the world offinance. Stikky Stock Charts uses a simple, pattern-based learning method to bring a valuable skill to anyone with a ruler and an hour to spare. We took the latest research into chartpatterns and spent hundreds of hours with readers t

List Price: $ 12.00


How to Swing Trade ETFs Forex Futures and Stocks for Unlimited High Profits: Best Way to use the EOD Method for Unlimited High Profits

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How to Swing Trade ETFs Forex Futures and Stocks for Unlimited High Profits: Best Way to use the EOD Method for Unlimited High Profits

How to Swing Trade ETFs Forex Futures and Stocks for Unlimited High Profits: Best Way to use the EOD Method for Unlimited High Profits

I wrote How to Swing Trade ETF’s Forex Futures and Stocks for Unlimited High Profits for all beginning aspiring investors and swing traders who are just getting their head around doing the swing trading business and want to work from home. Everyone has their own ideas of what they think swing trading is and what it can do for them. This book is for beginners and will detail many of the things that a brand new trader must learn not to do before they can become consistently profitable in the liv


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The Best time to trade Stocks

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We we consider the 1st hour of trading our “Edge”. Discover the best time to trade stocks during the Market Open and we we specialize in the first 30minutes.

How To Use LEVEL 2 To Trade Stocks (BEGINNERS)

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How To Use LEVEL 2 To Trade Stocks (BEGINNERS)

Video goes in to great detail about how to use level 2 when trading stocks. This video will give you a very easy and basic understanding of level 2.

Hey Guys,
The time has come!! My youtube channel has been made. Here I will try and promote healthy trading styles that compliment each and everyone specific trading goals. I Personally have my own style of trading if for whatever reason it does not accomadate to you I apologize ahead time. My channel will cover some of the trades I make each week. I will go over my entry and exit points, my thought process behind the trade. I am here to express best practices and help others learn from my mistakes.

My ultimate goal is to provide healthy, infomative, and exciting content to help shorten everyones learning curve who comes across my channel. I hope everyone who joins my youtube channel picks up great information and learns quickly. We are all here to grow and become better traders as we progress in this lifestyle.

Pleas Join Me On Facebook!

Please Join The Following Facebook Group below!

How to Trade During a Stocks Earning Report!

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How to Trade During a Stocks Earning Report!

How to Trade a Stocks Earning Report!

What are earnings?
Earnings occur when a company releases its quarterly news, such as its profit margins or profit targets, to the general public. This new buzz and excitement attracts new investors to come in because it shows how well the company is doing.

You can find earnings information on many different websites – they are public records.

Why are so many people attracted to playing during earnings?
If the company did very well, it could jump quite a bit due to the earnings news and you can make a few thousand dollars very quickly.

Posted at:



TradersFly is a place where I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience about the stock market, trading, and investing.

Stock trading can be a brutal industry especially if you are new. Watch my free educational training videos to avoid making large mistakes and to just continue to get better.

Stock trading and investing is a long journey – it doesn’t happen overnight. If you are interested to share some insight or contribute to the community we’d love to have you subscribe and join us!







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Thank you so much for the support, I’d like to welcome anyone with any questions to message me as i would love to be a part of your success.

If you have any suggestions for future videos such as Day Trading, Investing, Realestate, Car Sales, Robinhood, or fun daily vlogs. Please let me know.

For those who are interested in Trading Penny Stock or Investing, I encourage you to join my group for free: Techbud Solutions

Video Rating: / 5

Stock-Market Psychology: How People Value and Trade Stocks

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Stock-Market Psychology: How People Value and Trade Stocks

Stock-Market Psychology: How People Value and Trade Stocks

  • Used Book in Good Condition

The rationale behind how people value and trade stocks is of unparalleled interest to governments, companies and other participants in stock markets. The book focuses on the way in which investors process information and form expectations about future gains. It argues that humans fall short of the perfect information processing required by theory, and that their expectations are based on more than just future company earnings. Karl-Erik Warneryd discusses the psychology of investing, providing d

List Price: $ 56.00


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Stock Market: How to Invest and Trade in the Stock Market Like a Pro: Stock Market Trading Secrets (How to Invest and Trade Like a Pro) (Volume 1)

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Stock Market: How to Invest and Trade in the Stock Market Like a Pro: Stock Market Trading Secrets (How to Invest and Trade Like a Pro) (Volume 1)

Stock Market:  How to Invest and Trade in the Stock Market Like a Pro: Stock Market Trading Secrets (How to Invest and Trade Like a Pro) (Volume 1)

Curious how the wall street traders make over 0,00 a day trading in the stock market?

Ready to learn the strategies and tactics they use to make a lot of money trading stocks?

This book will shock and surprise you!

This is the type of book wall street wish never came out. It unlocks their trading blueprint.

“Stock Market: How to Invest and Trade in the Stock Market Like a Pro” will prepare you to win in the stock market.


List Price: $ 24.98


Related Stock Trading Products

Webinar : Using Market Profile and Auction Theory to Trade Stocks

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Mentorships for those who have the drive to learn to trade patiently and slowly.

Free Consultation for your Trading Business

Trading is difficult and it can be fun if you can gather yourself and remove your ego and be patient in the process of the market auction coming to you! Time over Price
Video Rating: / 5

Investors Underground Discount Link:

On Wednesday November 11th 2015 we did a webinar with Cam from Investors Underground. Investors Underground is the #1 Online Stock Trading Room. If your looking to Learn To Day Trade Stock Successfully then I would highly recommend watching this webinar as well as viewing their Youtube channel.

This webinar covers what Investors Underground is all about, how Cam went from knowing nothing about trading to extremely profitable, as well as a walk through of 2 trade setups they teach.

For those looking to join Investors Underground check out the discounted bundles at the link above. Please feel free to price check as you will not find it any lower!


⚡ O que é Day Trade – a melhor explicação de como funciona

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O day trade é uma operação que você faz na bolsa onde você compra e vende no mesmo dia, por exemplo, você compra Petrobrás agora na abertura do mercado e às 10:15 você vende. Eduardo Matsura, o mestre da Análise Técnica, revela como obter resultados consistentes e lucrativos operando day trade, swing trade, moedas, Forex e Bitcoins.

⚔ Aprenda com o mestre agora no Workshop online gratuito:


? Veja por quê Eduardo Matsura é chamado de o mestre de Análise Técnica:


? 10 principais perguntas dos iniciantes:

“O que é o day trade? Então, o day trade é uma operação que você faz na bolsa onde você compra e vende no mesmo dia, por exemplo, você compra Petrobrás agora na abertura do mercado e as 10 horas e as 10:15 vende. Comprei a 8, subiu a 9, vendi a 9 e ganhei 1 real na operação. Essa operação hoje dá para você fazer pela internet na sua casa, no seu escritório, acompanhando o que a gente chama em tempo real bolsa, a bolsa fica ali das 10:00 horas até as 17:00 da tarde ali no seu terminal, no gráfico oscilando os presos e você fica acompanhando aquilo e vendo as oportunidades, você pode fazer várias operações no dia, além dessa que você fez na abertura lá pelas 11:00 horas pode surgir outra oportunidade e você compra, 11:30 você vende e você já sai da sua posição e tem mercados que inclusive quando a bolsa está em baixa você pode apostar na baixa, que é o mercado futuro, esse é o mercado que eu atuou, o mercado futuro do índice Bovespa e do dólar. Então o day trade é isso, agora o day trade precisa ter tempo para acompanhar durante o dia, não é todo mundo que tem esse tempo. A gente tem agora uma nova tecnologia que é a do robô, você pode programar o robô para durante o dia estar operando para você, você está no seu trabalho e o robô realiza as operações, mas para programar esse robô você precisa também ensinar ele, passar a técnica que você já conhece, que você já domina, passar para ele e ele faz as operações para você, e ele pode fazer muitas operações durante o dia, no dólar, no índice, em papeis. Então day trade é isso, são várias operações que você faz no mesmo dia. E isso é muito bom no sentindo de que são várias oportunidades que você tenta aproveitar, a quantidade de oportunidades aumenta, é maior, e na minha opinião você tem mais chance de dar certo nesse sentido de ter mais oportunidades, é claro que exige mais trabalho, é mais trabalhoso do que você comprar a ação da Petrobrás agora e vender daqui a dois meses, são duas tomadas de decisão, na hora de comprar e na hora de vender. No day trade são várias tomadas de decisões durante o dia, por isso mesmo, você precisa ter mais habilidades, mas não que você não consiga, você precisa passar primeiro por esse processo mais lento, é uma questão de treino na minha opinião, dá para começar pelo day trade.”

It’s A Lifestyle: Trade Stocks And Travel The World

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Kunal has taken the most important parts of his 15+ year trading knowledge and designed a course that takes you from newbie to trader so you can travel the world and make money at the same time.

Trade stocks and travel the world, it’s a lifestyle.

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## About Bulls on Wall Street
We teach day trading strategies and swing trading strategies to both new and experienced traders. Our stock trading courses are an essential how-to trading guide for anyone who wants to become a winning day trader or swing trader.

Twitter: @Kunal00, @bullsonwallst
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## Stock Trading Courses
The Bulls on Wall Street trading courses teach the day trading strategies and swing trading strategies we use every day. Our courses will show you how to use technical analysis and chart patterns to find low risk, high reward stock trading opportunities. The Bulls Bootcamp stock trading course also includes a stock trading simulator, so you can practice what you’ve learned by paper trading, before trading live. Acquiring a high quality stock trading education is a must for anyone who aspires to day or swing trade stocks profitably.

## Day Trading Stocks
A day trader is someone who buys and sells one or more stocks within the market hours of a single day. As day traders, we use stock scanning software to find new intraday stock trading opportunities every day. This allows us to trade the most active momentum stocks, taking advantage of low risk, high reward opportunities and then moving on. Our day trading service will not only alert you when we make trades, but also teach you the trading strategies we used to find and execute those trades.

## Swing Trading Stocks
A swing trader buys a stock with a plan to hold it for several days or weeks. Our swing trading service teaches you the swing trading strategies we use to find and trade stocks. As a swing trading service subscriber, you will also receive trade alerts, market analysis, and swing trading how to videos. Swing trading is a great choice for anyone with a full time job, as it doesn’t require you to sit at your computer during market hours.