Archive for the tag: Champion

Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader

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Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader

Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street's Champion Day Trader

  • Used Book in Good Condition

Welcome to the world of Martin “Buzzy” Schwartz, Champion Trader–the man whose nerves of steel and killer instinct in the canyons of Wall Street earned him the well-deserved name “Pit Bull.” This is the true story of how Schwartz became the best of the best, of the people and places he discovered along the way and of the trader’s tricks and techniques he used to make his millions.

List Price: $ 17.99


Think & Trade Like a Champion: The Secrets, Rules & Blunt Truths of a Stock Market Wizard

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Think & Trade Like a Champion: The Secrets, Rules & Blunt Truths of a Stock Market Wizard

Think & Trade Like a Champion: The Secrets, Rules & Blunt Truths of a Stock Market Wizard

THE MOST EAGERLY AWAITED INVESTMENT BOOK OF THE YEAR • • • MORE THAN 80 CHART EXAMPLES • • • INCLUDES BONUS PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER – MARK MINERVINI WITH PERFORMANCE COACH JAIREK ROBBINS • • • “Most traders and money managers would be delighted to have Minervini’s worst year as their best… he has run circles around most PhDs trying to design systems to beat the market.” — JACK SCHWAGER, bestselling author of Stock Market Wizards • • • In Think & Trade Like a Champion, Mark


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