Archive for the tag: Game

Trading Forex During Election Season (Game Plan)

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Trading Forex During Election Season (Game Plan)

This is the election season game plan for No Nonsense Forex traders and how we best plan to approach what is sure to be an unpredictable time of year. Don’t lose your hard-earned trading capital because you were careless! Follow closely.

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TRADING WITH FOREX - Good Day For Trading Forex on Real Money!

Hi guys! In this video I will show how to trade with Best forex Strategy , in this video you can see how i make money with forex trading and i will show you how earn with forex strategy. This forex trading strategy is cool! I hope you like it and it will work for you. So, look this forex tutorial video carefully. Do not forget to subscribe to my channel with forex strategies and if you want to see my videos again click the ring sign next to the subscribe sign and you will get a notification when a new video is uploaded
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Stock Market – The Wall Street Trading Game

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Stock Market – The Wall Street Trading Game

Stock Market - The Wall Street Trading Game

  • Buy – Sell – Trade!
  • Invest your start up money
  • Pay commissions
  • Receive dividends, follow ticker tapes, and more
  • 2 – 4 players ages 8 and up

A board game, were you can buy sell and trade to try and become the richest on the “Exchange”.

List Price: $ 44.00


Daytrader: A Financial Board Game

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Daytrader: A Financial Board Game

Daytrader: A Financial Board Game

  • Keep all players engaged the entire game, every turn matters
  • Educational twist and exposes players to basic concepts of finance
  • Fun, illustrative design and impress the art-lovers
  • Tons of replay value and every game is different
  • No prior knowledge of finance required

Daytrader is a financial board game that brings you the thrills and chills of investing in the stock market, without the real-life risk. Whether you know the financial markets inside and out or just starting to learn, you’ll enjoy playing a few rounds of daytrader with your friends and family. Work at the companies around the board to make money. Then, buy and sell stocks in the companies you work for to beef up your savings even more. When you have enough cash to retire get to the bank first

List Price: $ 39.99


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