Archive for the tag: Hour

Another Method to make $600 an hour With Binary Options Trading! A complete Walkthrough:

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Go to to sign up and start earning 0 an hour trading binary options.
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This is a nearly foolproof method of making money, and by managing your risk by buying multiple stocks and never putting all your money all in one place, you can be nearly Guaranteed to make HUGE profits!

This is the recommended method for beginners that professional traders also use. It can be done on any trading platform and multiple trading platforms at the same time. It is recommended to build up your account with this method first before trying the 60 second method.

If you’d like to try out this method for free before depositing money first sign up for free here:

How this works: You’re performing 7 trades at a time every half hour on a mix of 7 different stocks and or currencies. Following the principle that the graph will most likely continue in the same direction it is going, you trade on clear upward or downward trends.

Typically 5 trades out of 7 will be successful thus keeping you in profit.

*The trend must be clearly going up or down. Never trade on a neutral trend.

Each trade you do will give you a 70% – 80% return.


Lets say you decide to start with 7 trades of 0 each with a half hour expiry time like in the above example and video.

So, one winning 0 trade will give you a 0 return.

If you win five out of the seven trades then you will win 0.

0 – ( Your original investment of 0) = 0 of profit every half hour of trading or 0 an hour.

Typically 5 out of 7 trades will win so your profit could be more. It also could be less. No method can be guaranteed of course but this is the best and least risky method I have discovered thus far. I suggest to start small with seven trades and scale up as you get the hang of it. I would strictly only trade with 5% of my balance per a trade.

There may be a bad day where you will make several losing trades, that is why it is important to follow up with this strict rule of investment:
If you have 0 in your account, each open position should be tops
If you have 0 in your account, each open position should be tops
If you have 0 in your account, each open position should be tops
If you have ,000 in your account, each open position should be tops
If you have ,000 in your account, each open position should be 0 tops
If you have ,000 in your account, each open position should be 0 tops

And so on: each position you open should not represent more than 5% of your capital if you have up to 0 in your account, and up to 10% if you have more than 0 in your account.

Continue reading to find out how to try this method for free.
I would recommend using the broker I linked to above over companies like Cedar Finance or Banc De Binary. Some thing cedar finance scams people out of their hard earned winnings.
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Video Rating: / 5

How To Make $2,000-$100,000 Trading Penny Stocks In An Hour

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Learn from my newest guide that is 50% off for a limited time…these patterns are working every day as my student Steven profiled here just made 0,000+ today while several of my other top students and I made ,000+ each…Subscribe here to get INSTANT alerts when I post a new video outlining my penny stock trading techniques:

1:20 The best stock market lesson from today is that we profited off of these patterns that are so, so typical. There’s nothing about these stock market patterns.

3:00 This is a number six from my Penny Stock Framework Guide. Classic number six.

5:00 if you want a deal on Steven Dux’s new guide. Send us an email and we’ll give you a deal.

7:00 If you look at FUSZ and GERN huge run-ups the past few days. We’re tracking these stocks and we’re shorting them. This is the pattern.

9:00 We all start somewhere. GERN is so liquid, you could have bought 1 million shares right here. I don’t recommend it and a million shares are excessive but you could have done it.

12:00 You have people making a ton of money using my strategy. Learn the patterns, learn the strategies. Some of these guys are still in school and they’re doing it.

14:00 These stocks have made so much money for people who are prepared. Leave a comment below if you understand this lesson “I will prepare.” These plays come around again and again in the stock market.
Video Rating: / 5

Morning Gap Trade – $3.00 Rip Higher Within The Hour

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Gap trading is the most consistent and profitable day trading or scalp trading strategy found in the markets today.

You can learn how to trade the gaps properly by understanding the math behind what makes stocks have a price reaction in the other direction.

There are morning gap trades and gap fill trades. Both these gap trading strategies are extremely profitable and produce consistent profits for those traders with the desire to learn and the discipline to trade the right way.
Video Rating: / 5

The 1 Hour Trade: Make Money With One Simple Strategy, One Hour Daily

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The 1 Hour Trade: Make Money With One Simple Strategy, One Hour Daily

The 1 Hour Trade: Make Money With One Simple Strategy, One Hour Daily

How to Generate an Income, or Grow Your Account Balance – Trading as Little as 1 Hour Daily
Is the market beating you up? Do you feel like you’re taking one step forward, two steps back with your investment income? Would you like a proven, step-by-step strategy for generating consistent trading profits?

Trading is one of the few ways to realistically create your own “Rags to Riches” Story. But it’s not a ‘get rich quick’ strategy that will get you there. The secret is to ado
